EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
Kovacs 1983
Kovacs, A. 1983. Shore ice rid-up and pile-up features, Part I: Alaska's Beaufort sea coast, CRREL Report
CR-83-9-PT-1, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,Hanover, NH.
Lencek and Bosker 1998
Lencek and Bosker. 1998. The Beach: The History of Paradise on Earth. Viking New York, 310 p.
Moberly and Chamberlain 1964
Moberly, R. and Chamberlain, T. 1964. "Hawaiian Beach Systems," Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Report
64-2, University of Hawaii.
Shepard and Wanless 1971
Shepard, Francis P., and Wanless, Harold R. 1971. Our Changing Coastlines, McGraw-Hill, New York,
NY., 579 p.
Shepard 1982
Shepard, Francis P. 1982. "North America, Coastal Morphology." Encyclopedia of Beaches and Coastal
Environments, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences, Volume XV, Schwartz, Maurice L. Editor, Hutchinson Ross
Publishing Co., 940 p, pp 593-603.
Coastal Diversity