EM 1110-2-1100 (Change 1)
31 Jul 03
analyses, a tabulation of "Standard Project Hurricane Index Characteristics" mutually agreed upon by repre-
sentatives of the U. S. Weather Service and the Corps of Engineers, is available.
PROBABLE MAXIMUM HURRICANE--A hypohurricane that might result from the most severe combination of
hurricane parameters that is considered reasonably possible in the region involved, if the hurricane should approach
the point under study along a critical path and at optimum rate of movement. This estimate is substantially more
severe than the SPH criteria.
DESIGN HURRICANE--A representation of a hurricane with specified characteristics that would produce
HURRICANE SURGE HYDROGRAPHS and coincident wave effects at various key locations along a proposed
project alinement. It governs the project design after economics and other factors have been duly considered. The
design hurricane may be more or less severe than the SPH, depending on economics, risk, and local considerations.
Appendix A Glossary of Coastal Terminology