EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
Chapter I-1
I-1-1. Purpose and Scope
The Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM) assembles in a single source the current state-of-the-art in coastal
engineering to provide appropriate guidance for application of techniques and methods to the solution of most
coastal engineering problems. The CEM provides a standard for the formulation, design, and expected
performance of a broad variety of coastal projects. These projects are undertaken to provide or improve
navigation at commercial harbors, harbor works for commercial fish handling and service facilities, and
recreational boating facilities. As an adjunct to navigation improvements, shore protection projects are often
required to mitigate the impacts of navigation projects. Beach erosion control and hurricane or coastal storm
protection projects provide wave damage reduction and flood protection to valuable coastal commercial,
urban, and tourist communities. Environmental restoration projects provide a rational layout and proven
approach to restoring the coastal and tidal environs where such action may be justified, or required as
mitigation to a coastal project's impacts, or as mitigation for the impact of some previous coastal activity,
incident, or neglect. As the much expanded replacement document for the Shore Protection Manual (1984)
and several other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manuals, the CEM provides a much broader field
of guidance and is designed for frequent updates.
I-1-2. Applicability
This manual is applicable to U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Commands having civil works
responsibility. It is anticipated that the comprehensive scope and instructions of this manual will warrant its
use by a broad spectra of coastal engineers and scientists beyond the bounds of the USACE. Although this
broad application has been considered throughout the development of the CEM, some sections are specific
to the mission, authority, and operation of the USACE.
I-1-3. Definitions
Definitions are listed throughout the manual when terms are first introduced. In addition, a glossary of terms
is provided in the appendix, and Table IV-1-1 lists definitions of common coastal geologic features.
However, a few basic definitions will help the novice to better understand and grasp the purpose and scope
of the CEM. Part IV, Chapter 2 defines types of coastal structures.
a. Coastal. Referring to the zone where the land meets the sea, a region of indefinite width that extends
inland from the sea to the first major change in topography. In this manual, "coastal" will refer to shores that
are influenced by wave processes (oscillatory flow dynamics). Bays, and lakes, and estuaries are included,
but rivers, primarily influenced by generally unidirectional currents, are generally beyond the scope of this
manual. Estuaries, including that part of rivers subject to the ebb and flow of the tide are covered by this
b. Coastal engineering. One of several specialized engineering disciplines that fall under the umbrella
of civil engineering. It is a composite of many physical science and engineering disciplines having
application in the coastal area. It requires the rational interweaving of knowledge from a number of technical
disciplines to develop solutions for problems associated with natural and human induced changes in the
coastal zone, the structural and non-structural mitigation of these changes, and the positive and negative