EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
impacts of possible solutions to problem areas on the coast. Coastal Engineers may utilize contributions from
the fields of geology, meteorology, environmental sciences, hydrology, physics, mathematics, statistics,
oceanography, marine science, hydraulics, structural dynamics, naval architecture, and others in developing
an understanding of the problem and a possible solution. The Coastal Engineer must consider the processes
present in the area of interest such as:
Environmental processes (chemical, ecological).
Hydrodynamics processes (winds, waves, water level fluctuations, and currents).
Seasonal meteorological trends (hurricane season, winter storms).
Sediment processes (sources, transport paths, sinks, and characteristics).
Geological processes (soil and strata characteristics, stable and migrating sub-aerial and sub-aqueous
features, rebounding or subsiding surfaces).
Long-term environmental trends (sea level rise, climate change).
Social and political conditions (land use, development trends, regulatory laws, social trends, public
safety, economics).
Harbor works, navigation channel improvements, shore protection, flood damage reduction, and
environmental preservation and restoration are the primary areas of endeavor.
c. Coastal science. This field is a suite of interdisciplinary technologies applied to understanding
processes, environments, and characteristics of the coastal zone. Coastal Engineers use these understandings
to develop physical adaptations to solve problems and enhance the human interface with the coast.
I-1-4. Bibliography
Technical and scientific literature cited in each chapter is listed in the chapter references.
I-1-5. References
The following are official USACE engineer regulations (ER), engineer manuals (EM), engineer pamphlets
(EP), and technical manuals (TM) found in the bibliographies following each chapter. They are highlighted
here for easy USACE use.
TM 5-850-1
Engineering and Design of Military Ports
ER 1105-2-100
Planning Guidance Notebook
EP 1165-2-1
Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities
EM 1110-1-1802
Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigations