EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
Figure I-3-11. Jones Island State Park, Long Island, New York, 4 July, 1958. One of the nation's premier
urban beaches, Jones Beach is only 45 km from Manhattan, but traffic can be problematic on some days.
The legend on the photograph states that there are 11,117 cars in the parking lots. From Beach Erosion
Board archives
amended the law to permit Federal aid to privately owned shores when a public benefit resulted and to permit
aid toward periodic beach nourishment costs. The 1954 and 1955 River and Harbor Acts authorized sixty-
two federal aid projects, a significant increase over the five projects authorized up to that date (Wilson and
Eaton 1960).
j. BEB accomplishments. In summary, the BEB made substantial progress toward establishing sound
coastal engineering techniques and established a research impetus in coastal processes. It commenced the
collection of a permanent record of pertinent data and provided a manual on the best techniques to address
specific shore erosion problems. The presence of Murrough P. O'Brien and Thorndike Saville on the Beach
Erosion Board for such an extended period provided a continuity of objective and effort unique in public
service (Wilson and Eaton 1960). During its 33-year existence, the BEB reviewed 149 cooperative study
reports and two Federal surveys of beach erosion problems. The BEB reviewed 114 of the cooperative
studies following the 1946 legislation allowing Federal participation in construction cost and recommended
72 as Federal projects. The BEB published 135 technical memoranda and four technical reports, 130 of
which were published after the 1946 legislation authorizing the BEB to make general investigations and
publish technical reports (Moore and Moore 1991).
History of Coastal Engineering