EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Demirbilek 1989
Demirbilek, Z. 1989. Tension Leg Platform: A State-Of-The-Art Review, New York, pp 335.
Demirbilek and Halvorsen 1985
Demirbilek, Z. and Halvorsen, T. 1985. "Hydrodynamic Forces on Multitube Production Risers Exposed
to Currents and Waves," Trans. ASME, J. Energy Resources Technology, Vol 107, No. 2, pp 226-234.
Demirbilek, Moe, and Yttervoll 1987
Demirbilek, Z., Moe, G., and Yttervoll, P. 1987. "Morison's Formula: Relative Velocity versus Independent
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Mech. and Arctic Engineering, Vol II, pp 25-32, Houston, TX.
Eckart 1952
Eckart, C. 1952. "The Propagation of Gravity Waves From Deep to Shallow Water," Natl. Bur. Standards,
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Elgar et al. 1985
Elgar, S. et al. 1985. "Wave Group Statistics from Numerical Simulation of a Random Sea," Jour. Applied
Ocean Res., Vol 7, pp 93-96.
Faltinsen 1990
Faltinsen, O. M. 1990. Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures, Cambridge Press, New York, p 328.
Faltinsen and Demirbilek 1989
Faltinsen, O. M., and Demirbilek, Z. 1989. "Hydrodynamics of Tension Leg Platforms - TLP's," Tension
Leg Platform: A State-of-the-art Review, Z. Demirbilek, ed., ASCE Publ., New York.
Fenton 1972
Fenton, J. D. 1972. "A Ninth-Order Solution for Solitary Waves," Jour. Fluid Mech., Vol 53, pp 257-271.
Fenton 1979
Fenton, J. D. 1979. "A Higher-Order Cnoidal Wave Theory," Jour. Fluid Mech., Vol 94, pp 129-161.
Fenton 1985
Fenton, J. D. 1985. "A Fifth-Order Stokes Theory for Steady Waves," ASCE Jour. Waterw., Port, Coastal
and Ocean Engr., Vol 111, pp 216-234.
Fenton 1988
Fenton, J. D. 1988. "The Numerical solution of Steady Water Wave Problem," Jour. Comp. and Geo.,
Vol 14, pp 357-368.
Fenton and McKee 1990
Fenton, J. D. and McKee, W. D. 1990. "On Calculating the Lengths of Water Waves," Coastal Engr.,
Vol 14, pp 499-513.
Forristall 1984
Forristall, G. Z. 1984. "The Distribution of Measured and Simulated Wave Heights as a Function of Spectral
Shape," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 89, No. C6, pp 10547-10552.
Water Wave Mechanics