EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Resio 1981
Resio, D. T. 1981. "The Estimation of Wind-Wave Generation in a Discrete Spectral Model," Journal of
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Resio 1987
Resio, D. T. 1987. "Shallow Water Waves. I - Theory," J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engr.,
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Resio 1988
Resio, D. T. 1988. "Shallow Water Waves II - Data Comparisons," J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
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Resio 1993
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Shore Protection Manual 1984
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Smith and Vincent 1992
Smith, J. M., and Vincent, C. L. 1992. "Shoaling and Decay of Two Wave Trains on a Beach,"
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Sobey and Young 1986
Sobey, R. J., and Young, I. R. 1986. "Hurricane Wind Waves - A Discrete Spectral Model," J. Waterway,
Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol 112, No. 3, pp 370-389.
SWAMP Group 1985
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SWIM Group 1985
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Thompson and Vincent 1984
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Vincent and Briggs 1989
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Estimation of Nearshore Waves