EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
FLORIDA - I - 74
Miami Beach (City Pier)
Lat. 25E 46N.1; Long 80E 07N.9
BENCH MARK 4 (1928) is a standard disk, stamped "NO 4 1928", set vertically in the south face of the south post in the north-
south fence line around a large city water tank. It is about 66 feet north of the extended centerline of Commerce Street, 36 feet west of the
centerline of Jefferson Avenue, and 1/2 foot above ground level. Elevation: 5.62 feet above mean low water.
BENCH MARK 6 (1931) is a standard Corps of Engineers disk, stamped "BM NO 6," set in top of a 2-inch pipe surrounded at
top with a 12-inch by 18-inch manhole frame with a removable cast iron cover, directly in centerline of a blacktop driveway which parallels
Government Cut. It is at the U.S. Government Reservation on the north side of Government Cut, about 186 feet east of U.S. Engineers
flagpole and 13 1/2 feet west of the center of a road junction. Elevation: 7.13 feet above mean low water.
BENCH MARK 7 (1937) is a standard disk, stamped "7 1937," set in the top of the northwest side of the concrete base to the
east post of entrance gate to drive to the Corps of Engineers Office Building. It is about 100 yards south of intersection of Washington
Avenue and Biscayne Street, 8 feet east of the extended centerline of the Avenue and 1/2 foot above ground level. Elevation: 5.03 feet
above mean low water.
BENCH MARK 9 (1955) is a standard disk, stamped "9 1955," set in top of concrete deck along north edge of City Pier near the
east end of Biscayne Street. It is about 122 yards east of the west end of pier, 39 feet northwest of the northeast corner of the ladies rest
room and 1/2 foot south of south face of north guardrail. Elevation: 11.29 feet above mean low water.
BENCH MARK 10 (1956) is a standard disk, stamped "NO 10 1956," set on top of the northwest corner of the concrete base of
light pole No. 166D6 about 68 yards west of the junction of Biscayne Street and Alton Road. It is near the northwest corner of the South
Shore Recreation Park about 62 feet east of the west edge of the bulkhead on the water front and 9 1/2 feet northeast of the east edge of the
north entrance to the Recreation Building. Elevation: 5.23 feet above mean low water.
BENCH MARK 11 (1956) is a standard disk, stamped "NO 11 1956," set in top of north corner of a concrete base which
supports a 6 inch metal post near the City of Miami Beach Warehouse. It is near the intersection of Alton Road and First Street about 21 1/2
feet southwest of the southwest curb of Alton Road and 9 feet northwest of the northwest corner of the warehouse building. Elevation: 4.92
feet above mean low water.
Mean low water at Miami Beach is based on 19 years of records, 1941-1959. Elevations of other tide planes referred to this
datum are as follows:
Highest tide (observed)
September 8, 1965
Mean high water
Mean tide level
NGVD, 1929
Mean low water
Lowest tide observed
(March 24, 1936)
Figure II-5-19.
Sample NOS description of tidal benchmarks (Harris 1981)
Water Levels and Long Waves