EM 1110-2-1100 (Part V)
31 Jul 2003
borrow sites should be the same. Beach and borrow material should be analyzed with standard sieves
as described in Part III-1.
Native beach composite sediment statistics should be computed based on sieve analyses of samples
collected along cross-shore transects through the most active portion of the beach profile (see Part III-
1 for information concerning sediment composite statistics). The most active portion is located
between the crest of the natural berm (immediately landward of the mean high waterline) and the
depth corresponding to the position of the typical storm bar. The composite statistics should be
developed for a number of cross-shore transects throughout the project domain. Grain size statistics
calculated from such a sampling scheme will account for most of the natural variability on the profile.
If cross-shore composites exhibit a wide range of median grain size and sorting values, an
alongshore composite should be calculated for the entire project domain to reduce the variability.
Borrow area composite statistics should be determined using grain size distributions computed for
samples taken from several cores within the potential borrow site. For general uniform cores,
samples should be collected from the top, middle, and bottom of useable sand within the core. The
composite characteristics of the borrow material should be weighted based on the estimated volume
of each type of material present in the deposit.
Figure V-4-8 shows a comparison between the native beach and borrow material used for
nourishment at Ocean City, Maryland. The shaded area represents common characteristics between
the native beach and fill material.
Figure V-4-8. Comparison of composite grain size analysis between the native beach and the
borrow material used at Ocean City, Maryland
Beach Fill Design