EM 1110-2-1100 (Part V)
31 Jul 2003
σφb = standard deviation or measure of sorting for borrow material (Equation III-1-3)
σφn = standard deviation or measure of sorting for native material (Equation III-1-3)
Mφn = mean sediment diameter for native material (Equation III-1-2)
Mφb = mean sediment diameter for borrow material (Equation III-1-2)
Values obtained using the relationships in Equations V-4-3 and V-4-4 are then plotted on the graph
presented in Figure V-4-9. The value of RA can be obtained by interpolating between the values
represented by the isolines. Values of the overfill factor greater than 1.0 indicate that more than one
unit of borrow material will be needed to produce one unit of fill material. Example V-4-1 illustrates
computation of the overfill factor.
Figure V-4-9. Isolines of the adjusted overfill ratio (RA) for values of φ mean difference and φ sorting
ratio (Shore Protection Manual 1984)
Beach Fill Design