EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Figure III-1-2.
Example of sediment distribution using log-normal paper
(3) The other is the Unified Soils Classification or the ASTM Classification, which various American
engineering groups have developed. These groups have been more concerned with standardizing ways to
obtain repeatable results in the analyses of sediment. The definitive source for such information is Volume
4.08 of the Standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). These standards
are published annually, with revisions as needed. In what follows, reference to ASTM standards will be to
the 1994 edition of Volume 4.08, which deals with soil, as defined by engineers.
(4) These two systems are compared in Table III-1-2. Note that there are differences in the category
limits. For example, sand in the engineer's classification is between 0.074 and 4.76 mm, while in the
Coastal Sediment Properties