EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Lane 1955
Lane, E. W. 1955. "Design of Stable Channels," Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers,Vol 120,
pp 1234-1279.
Margolis 1969
Margolis, S. V. 1969. "Electron Microscopy of Chemical Solution and Mechanical Abrasion Features on
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Mason 1942
Mason, M. A. 1942. "Abrasion of Beach Sands," TM-2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Beach Erosion
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McCammon 1962
McCammon, R. B. 1962. "Efficiencies of Percentile Measures for Describing the Mean Size and Sorting
of Sedimentary Particles," Journal of Geology, Vol 70, pp 453-465.
McLean and Kirk 1969
McLean, R. F., and Kirk, R. M. 1969. "Relationship Between Grain Size, Size-sorting, and Foreshore Slope
on Mixed Sandy-Shingle Beaches," N. Z. J. Geol. and Geophys., Vol 12, pp 128-155.
McMaster 1954
McMaster, R. L. 1954. "Petrography and Genesis of the N.J. Beach Sands," Geology Series, Vol 63, New
Jersey Department of Conservation & Economic Development.
Mehta, Lee, and Christensen 1980
Mehta, A. J., Lee, J., and Christensen, B. A. 1980. "Fall Velocity of Shells as Coastal Sediment," Journal
of the Hydraulics Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol
106, No. HY
11, pp
Otto 1939
Otto, G. H. 1939. "A Modified Logarithmic Probability Graph for the Interpretation of Mechanical Analyses
of Sediments," Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol 9, pp 62-76.
Packwood 1983
Packwood, A. R. 1983. "The Influence of Beach Porosity on Wave Uprush and Backwash," Coastal
Engineering, Vol 7, pp 29-40.
Packwood and Peregrine 1980
Packwood, A. R., and Peregrine, D. H. 1980. "The Propagation of Solitary Waves and Bores over a Porous
Bed," Coastal Engineering, Vol 3, pp 221-242.
Pettijohn 1957
Pettijohn, F. J. 1957. Sedimentary Rocks, Harper and Brothers, New York, p 117.
Powers 1953
Powers, M. C. 1953. "A New Roundness Scale for Sedimentary Particles," Journal Sed. Pet., Vol 23,
pp 117-119.
Coastal Sediment Properties