EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Ramsey and Galvin 1977
Ramsey, M. D., and Galvin, C. 1977. "Size Analyses of Sand Samples from Southern New Jersey Beaches,"
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Reid, R. O., and Kajiura, K. 1957. "On the Damping of Gravity Waves Over a Permeable Sea Bed," Trans.
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Ritter, D. F. 1986. Process Geomorphology, 2nd ed., Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, IA.
Savage 1958
Savage, R. P. 1958. "Wave Run-Up on Roughened and Permeable Slopes," Journal of the Waterways and
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Shen, Isobe, and Watanabe 1994
Shen, D., Isobe, M., and Watanabe, A. 1994. "Mud Transport and Muddy Bottom Deformation Due to
Waves," Book of Abstracts, Paper 30, International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Kobe, pp 106-107.
Shepard and Young 1961
Shepard, F. P., and Young, R. 1961. "Distinguishing Between Beach and Dune Sands," Journal Sed. Pet.,
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Simons and Albertson 1960
Simons, D. B., and Albertson, M. L. 1960. "Uniform Water Conveyance Channels in Alluvial Material,"
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Simons, D. B., and Senturk, F. 1977. Sediment Transport Technology, Water Res. Pub., Fort Collins, CO.
Soiltest 1983
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Statham 1974
Statham, I. 1974. Ground Water Hydrology, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Stauble and Hoel 1986
Stauble, D. K., and Hoel, J. 1986. "Guidelines for Beach Restoration Projects, Part II -Engineering," Report
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Coastal Sediment Properties