EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
Palmer and Tritton., eds. 1996
Palmer, R., and Tritton Limited (eds.). 1996. History of Coastal Engineering in Great Britain. History and
Heritage of Coastal Engineering, N. C. Kraus, ed., Coastal Engineering Research Council, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 214 - 274.
Parkman 1978
Parkman, Aubrey. 1978. Army Engineers in New England, The Military and Civil Works of the Corps of
Engineers, 1775-1975, Waltham, MA, U.S. Army Engineer Division, 1978, pp34-38.
Parker 1980
Parker 1980. "Structures in the Beach Zone-To Be or Not to Be," paper presented at the American Soc. Of
Civil Engineers Convention and Exposition, Florida, 27-1 Oct, 1980, ASCE Reprint No.80-648.
Patton 1934
Patton, R. S. 1934. "The Purpose of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association," Shore and
Beach II, Journal of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association Oct. 1934, pp132-136.
Quinn 1972
Quinn, Alonzo DeF. 1972. Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures, Second Edition, Mc
Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, N.Y., 611p.
Rathburn 1990
Rathbun, M. Y. 1990. Castle on the Rock, 1881-1985: the History of the Little Rock District, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers. Little Rock District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock, AK, 192 p.
Reuss 1998
Reuss, M. 1998. Designing the Bayous: the Control of Water in the Atchafalaya Basin: 1800-1995. Office
of History, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alexandria, VA, 474 p.
Richter 1970
Richter, J. P. 1970. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, Dover Publishing, New York, NY.
Rouse and Ince 1963
Rouse, H. and Ince, S. 1963. History of Hydraulics, Dover, NY.
Seattle District 1969
Seattle District. 1969. History of the Seattle District, 1896-1968 : United States Army, Corps of Engineers
: 72 Years in Peace and War. Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, WA, 222 p.
Shore Protection Manual 1984
Shore Protection Manual. 1984. 4th ed., 2 Vol., U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Shore Protection, Planning, and Design 1954
Shore Protection, Planning, and Design. 1954. Technical Report No. 4, U.S. Beach Erosion Board,
Washington, DC, 393 p.
History of Coastal Engineering