EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
Wilson and Eaton 1960
Wilson, MG Walter K., Jr. and Eaton, Richard O. 1960. "A History of the Beach Erosion Board," Shore
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Wiegel 1999
Wiegel, Robert L. 1999. Military Examples of Coastal Engineering, Miscellaneous Paper CHL-99-3,
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Wiegel and Kimberly 1949
Wiegel, Robert L., and Kimberly, H. L. 1949. Operation MIKI, Hawaiian amphibious phase (ground
coverage), University of California, Berkley, Inst. Engrg. Res., Series 29, Issue 14.
Wiegel and Saville 1996
Wiegel, R. L., and Saville, T., Jr. 1996. History of Coastal Engineering in the United States. History and
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Willingham 1983
Willingham, W. F. 1983. Army Engineers and the Development of Oregon, a History of the Portland District
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van Hoften 1970
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Vitruvius, Rowland, and Howe, eds. 1999
Vitruvius, P., Rowland, I. D., and Howe, T. N. eds. 1999. Vitrivius: Ten Books on Architecture. Cambridge
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History of Coastal Engineering