EM 1110-2-1100 (Part I)
30 Apr 02
DeWan 1999
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Drescher 1982
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Empereur 1997
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Farley 1923
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Fasso 1987
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Franco 1996
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Frost 1963
Frost, H. 1963. Under the Mediterranean, Marine Antiquities. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. p 278.
Goreki and Pope 1993
Goreki, R. J., and Pope, J. 1993. Coastal Geologic and Engineering History of Presque Isle Peninsula,
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Hagwood 1982
Hagwood, J. J., Jr. 1982. Engineers at the Golden Gate: a History of the San Francisco District, U.S. Army
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Herodotus. 1992. The Histories, Written in the middle of the 5th century B.C., translation by George
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History of Coastal Engineering