EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Mitsuyasu 1972
Mitsuyasu, H. 1972. "The One-Dimensional Wave Spectra at Limited Fetch," Proc. 13th Coastal Engr.
Conf., Vol 1, pp 289-306.
Mitsuyasu et al. 1975
Mitsuyasu, H. et al. 1975. "Observations of the Directional spectrum of Ocean Waves Using a Cloverleaf
Buoy," Jour. Phys. Ocean., Vol 5, pp 750-760.
Morison et al. 1950
Morison, J. R., et al. 1950. "The Forces Exerted by Surface Waves on Piles," Petroleum Trans. AIME,
Vol 189, pp 149-157.
Munk 1949
Munk, W. H. 1949. "The Solitary Wave Theory and Its Application to Surf Problems," Annals New York
Acad. Sci., Vol 51, pp 376-423.
Myrhaug and Kjeldsen 1986
Myrhaug, D. and Kjeldsen, S. P. 1986. "Steepness and Asymmetry of Extreme Waves and the Highest
Waves in Deep Water," Intl. Jour. Ocean Engr., Vol 13, pp 549-568.
Nishimura et al. 1977
Nishimura, H., et al. 1977. "Higher Order Solutions of Stokes and Cnoidal Waves," Jour. Faculty Engr.
Univ. of Tokyo, Series B, Vol 34, pp 267-293.
Ochi 1973
Ochi, M. K. 1973. "On Prediction of Extreme Values," Jour. Ship Res., Vol 1, pp 29-37.
Ochi 1982
Ochi, M. K. 1982. "Stochastic Analysis and Probabilistic Prediction of Random Seas," Advances in
Hydrosci,, V. T. Chow, ed., Academic Press, Vol 13, pp 217-375.
Ochi and Hubble 1976
Ochi, M. K. and Hubble, E. N. 1976. "Six Parameter Wave Spectra," Proc. 15th Coastal Engr. Conf., Vol 1,
pp 301-328.
Ottesen-Hansen 1980
Ottesen-Hansen, N.-E. 1980. "Correct Reproduction of Group-Induced Long Waves," Proc. 17th Coastal
Engr. Conf., Vol 1, pp 784-800.
Peregrine 1972
Peregrine, D. H. 1972. "Equations for Water Waves and the Approximation Behind Them," Waves on
Beaches and Resulting Sediment Transport, R. E. Meyer, ed., Academic Press, pp 95-121.
Peregrine 1976
Peregrine, D. H. 1976. "Interaction of Water Waves and Currents," Advances in Applied Mechanics,
Academic Press, New York, Vol 16, pp 9-117.
Phillips 1958
Phillips, O. M. 1958. "On the Generation of Waves by Turbulent Wind," Jour. Fluid Mech., Vol 2, pp 417-
Water Wave Mechanics