EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Tayfun 1981
Tayfun, A. 1981. "Distribution of Crest-to-Trough Wave height," ASCE Jour. Waterw., Port, Coastal and
Ocean Engr., Vol 107, pp 149-158.
Tayfun 1983a
Tayfun, A. 1983a. "Effects of Spectrum Bandwidth on the Distribution of Wave Heights and Periods," Intl.
Jour. Ocean Engr., Vol 10, pp 107-118.
Tayfun 1983b
Tayfun, A. 1983b. "Nonlinear Effects on the Distribution of Crest-to-Trough Wave Heights," Intl. Jour.
Ocean Engr., Vol 10, pp 97-106.
Tayfun, Dalrymple, and Yang 1976
Tayfun, A., Dalrymple, R. A. and Yang, C. Y. 1976. "Random Wave-Current Interaction in Water of
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Thom 1961
Thom, H. C. S. 1961. "Distribution of Extreme Winds in the United States," Trans ASCE, Vol 126, Part II.
Thom 1973
Thom, H. C. S. 1973. "Distribution of Extreme Winds Over Ocean," and "Extreme Wave Height
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Thompson 1977
Thompson, E. F. 1977. "Wave Climate at Selected Locations Along U.S. Coasts," Technical Report
TR 77-1, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Thompson and Vincent 1985
Thompson, E. F., and Vincent, C. L. 1985. "Significant wave Height for Shallow Water Design," ASCE
Jour. Waterw., Port, Coastal and Ocean Engr., Vol 111, pp 828-842.
Thornton and Guza 1983
Thornton, E. B., and Guza, R. T. 1983. "Transformation of Wave Height Distribution," Journal of
Geophysical Research, Vol 88, No. C10, pp 5925-5938.
Tucker 1963
Tucker, M. J. 1963. "Analysis of Records of Sea Waves," Proc. Inst. Civil Engrs., Vol 26, pp 305-316.
Tucker et al. 1984
Tucker, M. J., et al. 1984. "Numerical Simulation of a Random Sea: A Common Error and Its Effect Upon
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Tung and Huang 1976
Tung, C. C. and Huang, N. E. 1976. "Interaction Between Waves and Currents and Their Influence on Fluid
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Ursell 1953
Ursell, F. 1953. "The Long Wave Paradox in the Theory of Gravity Waves," Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc.,
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Water Wave Mechanics