EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Williams 1981
Williams, J. M. 1981. "Limiting Gravity Waves in Water of Finite Depth," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,
Series A, Vol 302, pp 139-188.
Williams 1985
Williams, J. M. 1985. Tables of Progressive Gravity Waves, Pitman, Boston.
Wirsching 1986
Wirsching, P. 1986. "Reliability Methods in Mechanical and Structural Design," Lecture Notes on Short
Course for Conoco R&D Dept., Ponca City, OK.
Wu and Liu 1984
Wu, C-S., and Liu, P.-L. F. 1984. "Effects of Nonlinear Inertial Forces on Nearshore Currents," Coastal
Engr., Vol 8, pp 15-32.
Wu and Thornton 1986
Wu, C-S., and Thornton, E. B. 1986. "Wave Numbers of Linear Progressive Waves," ASCE Jour. Waterw.,
Port, Coastal and Ocean Engr., Vol 112, pp 536-540.
Yu 1952
Yu, Y.-Y. 1952. "Breaking of Waves by an Opposing Current," Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, Vol 33,
No.1, pp 39-41.
Water Wave Mechanics