EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Figure II-5-22.
Variations in annual MSL (Harris 1981)
Category 1 - Winds of 74 - 95 mph
Category 2 - Winds of 96 - 110 mph
Category 3 - Winds of 111 - 130 mph
Category 4 - Winds of 131 - 155 mph
Category 5 - Winds over 155 mph
(b) Hurricanes are characterized by circular wind patterns that rotate in a counterclockwise direction
in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. The direction of rotation is a
consequence of the Coriolis effect induced by the rotation of the earth (see Part II-1).
(c) Unlike extratropical storm events such as northeasters, tropical storms are well-organized with
respect to their wind and pressure patterns. As a result, they can be reasonably well-described by several
descriptive parameters listed below and shown on Figure II-5-23. Note that these parameters have been
identified as descriptive of average events; precise modeling of some tropical events may require more
detailed information.
Water Levels and Long Waves