EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Figure III-2-44.
Beach fill placed with groins (t=0)
Figure III-2-45. Nondimensional solution curve for plan view of rectangular fill area
between coastal structures (w/l = 0.25; tan αb = 0.1)
(24) Since Equation 2-24 is linear, the above solutions can be combined to address more complex
situations than those presented. As an example, consider the case in which staged construction of a beach
nourishment project takes place over a long length of beach and the fill area of the beach is to be confined
in the reach x < 0 and maintained at its fill width. Equation 2-37 could be utilized for solving this particular
example in the case that the entire fill was placed at time t = 0. Instead, consider that the fill is placed in
Longshore Sediment Transport