EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Bakker 1968
Bakker, W. T. 1968. "The Dynamics of a Coast with a Groin System," Proceedings of the 11th Coastal
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Bakker and Edelman 1965
Bakker, W. T., and Edelman, T. 1965. "The Coastline of River Deltas," Proceedings of the 9th Coastal
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Bakker, Klein-Breteler, and Roos 1971
Bakker, W. T., Klein-Breteler, E. H. J., and Roos, A. 1971. "The Dynamics of a Coast with a Groin
System," Proceedings of the 12th Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers,
pp 1001-1020.
Beach and Sternberg 1987
Beach, R. A., and Sternberg, R. W. 1987. "The Influence of Infragravity Motions on Suspended Sediment
Transport in the Inner Surf Zone," Proceedings of Coastal Sediments '87, American Society of Civil
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Bendat and Piersol 1971
Interscience, New York.
Berek and Dean 1982
Berek, E. P., and Dean, R. G. 1982. "Field Investigation of Longshore Transport Distribution," Proceedings,
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Bodge 1986
Bodge, K. R. 1986. "Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Sediment Transport," Ph.D. diss., Department
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Bodge 1988
Bodge, K. R. 1988. "Longshore Current and Transport Across Non-Singular Equilibrium Beach Profiles,"
Proceedings, 21st International Conf. on Coastal Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers,
pp 1396-1410.
Bodge and Dean 1987a
Bodge, K. R., and Dean, R. G. 1987a. "Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Transport," Proceedings
of Coastal Sediments '87, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp 468-483.
Bodge and Dean 1987b
Bodge, K. R., and Dean, R. G. 1987b. "Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Sediment Transport,"
Miscellaneous Paper CERC-87-7, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Bodge and Kraus 1991
Bodge, K. R., and Kraus, N. C. 1991. "Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude,"
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Bowen 1969
Bowen, A. J. 1969. "Rip Currents: 1. Theoretical Investigations," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 74,
pp 5467-78.
Longshore Sediment Transport