EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Duane and James 1980
Duane, D. B., and James, W. R. 1980. "Littoral Transport in the Surf Zone Elucidated by an Eulerian
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Dubois 1978
Dubois, R. 1978. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., Vol 89, pp 1133-1139.
Eaton 1950
Eaton, R. O. 1950. "Littoral Processes on Sandy Coasts," Proceedings, First Coastal Engineering
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Ebersole 1985
Ebersole, B. A. 1985. "Refraction-Diffraction Model for Linear Water Waves," Journal of Waterways, Port,
Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol III (No. WW6) pp 939-953.
Ebersole, Cialone, and Prater 1986
Ebersole, B. A., Cialone, M. A., and Prater, M. D. 1986. "RCPWAVE - A Linear Wave Propagation Model
for Engineering Use," Technical Report CERC-86-4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
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Escher 1937
Escher, B. G. 1937. "Experiments on the Formation of Beach Cusps," Leidse Geologische Mededlingen, Vol
9, pp 70-104.
Evans 1938
Evans, O. F. 1938. "Classification and Origin of Beach Cusps," J. Geol., Vol 46, pp 615-627.
Fairchild 1972
Fairchild, J. C. 1972. "Longshore Transport of Suspended Sediment," Proceedings of the 13th International
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Fairchild 1977
Fairchild, J. C. 1977. "Suspended Sediment in the Littoral Zone at Vetnor, New Jersey, and Nags Head,
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Finkelstein 1982
Finkelstein, K. 1982. "Morphological Variations and Sediment Transport in Crenulate-Bay Beaches; Kodiak
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Grant 1943
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Gravens 1989
Gravens, M. B. 1989. "Estimating Potential Longshore Sand Transport Rates Using WIS Data," CETN-II-
19, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Longshore Sediment Transport