EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Johnson 1919
Johnson, D. W. 1919. Shore Processes and Shoreline Development, 1965 facsimile, Hafner, New York.
Johnson 1956
Johnson, J. W. 1956. "Dynamics of Nearshore Sediment Movement," Bulletin of the American Society of
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Johnson 1957
Johnson, J. W. 1957. "The Littoral Drift Problem at Shoreline Harbors," Journal of the Waterways and
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Johnson 1992
Johnson, C. N. 1992. "Mitigation of Harbor Caused Shore Erosion with Beach Nourishment, St. Joseph
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Kamphuis 1991
Kamphuis, J. W. 1991. "Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate," Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and
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Kamphuis and Readshaw 1978
Kamphuis, J. W., and Readshaw, J. S. 1978. "A Model Study of Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate,"
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Kamphuis and Sayao 1982
Kamphuis, J. W., and Sayao, O. 1982. "Model Tests on Littoral Sand Transport Rate," Proceedings, 16th
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Kamphuis, Davies, Nairn and Sayao 1986
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Kana 1977
Kana, T. W. 1977. "Suspended Sediment Transport at Price Inlet, S.C.," Proceedings of Coastal Sediments
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Kana 1978
Kana, T. W. 1978. "Surf Zone Measurements of Suspended Sediment," Proceedings of the 16th
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Kana and Ward 1980
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Katoh, Tanaka and Irie 1984
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Longshore Sediment Transport