EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
LeBlond 1972
LeBlond, P. H. 1972. "On the Formation of Spiral beaches," Proceedings 13th Int. Conf. on Coastal
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LeBlond 1979
LeBlond, P. H. 1979. "An Explanation of the Logarithmic Spiral Plan Shape of Headland Bay Beaches,"
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Lee 1975
Lee, K. K. 1975. "Longshore Currents and Sediment Transport in West Shore of Lake Michigan," Water
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Leenknecht, Szuwalski, and Sherlock 1992
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LeMhaut and Brebner 1961
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LeMhaut and Soldate 1977
LeMhaut, B., and Soldate, M. 1977. "Mathematical Modeling of Shoreline Evolution," Miscellaneous
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Lippman and Holman 1990
Lippman, T. C., and Holman, R. A. 1990. "Spatial and Temporal Variability of Sand Bar Morphology,"
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Longuet-Higgins 1970
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Longuet-Higgins, M. S., and Parkin, D. W. 1962. "Sea Waves and Beach Cusps," Geog. J., Vol 128, pp 194-
Mann and Dalrymple 1986
Mann, D. W., and Dalrymple, R. A. 1986. "A Quantitative Approach to Delaware's Nodal Point," Shore and
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McDougal and Hudspeth 1981
McDougal, W. G., and Hudspeth, R. T. 1981. "Wave Induced Setup/Setdown and Longshore Current; Non-
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McDougal and Hudspeth 1983a
McDougal, W. G., and Hudspeth, R. T. 1983a. "Wave Setup/Setdown and Longshore Current on Non-Planar
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Longshore Sediment Transport