EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Walton 1977
Walton, T. L., Jr. 1977. "Equilibrium Shores and Coastal Design," Proceedings, Coastal Sediments '77,
American Society of Civil Engineers.
Walton 1979
Walton, T. L. 1979. "Littoral Sand Transport on Beaches," Ph.D. diss., University of Florida, Gainesville.
Walton 1980
Walton, T. L. 1980. "Littoral Sand Transport from Longshore Currents," Technical Note, Journal of the
Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 106, No. WW4,
November, pp 483-487.
Walton 1982
Walton, T. L. 1982. "Hand-held Calculator Algorithms for Coastal Engineering; Second Series," CETA 82-
4, Coastal Engineering Research Center, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
Walton 1989
Walton, T. L., Jr. 1989. "Discussion of Sand Bypassing Simulation Using Synthetic Longshore Transport
Data," Journal Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 115,
No. 4, pp 576-557.
Walton 1994
Walton, T. L., Jr. 1994. "Shoreline Solution for Tapered Beach Fill," Journal Waterway, Port, Coastal and
Ocean Engineering, Vol 120, No. 6, pp 1-5.
Walton and Borgman 1991
Walton, T. L., Jr., and Borgman, L. B. 1991. "Simulation of Nonstationary, Non-Gaussion Water Levels
on Great Lakes," Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol 116, No. 6, American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York.
Walton and Bruno 1989
Walton, T. L., and Bruno, R. O. 1989. "Longshore Transport at a Detached Breakwater, Phase II," Journal
of Coastal Research, Vol 5, No. 4, pp 679-691.
Walton and Chiu 1977
Walton, T., and Chiu, T. 1977. "Sheltered Shorelines in Florida," Shore and Beach, Vol 45, No. 4.
Walton and Chiu 1979
Walton, T., and Chiu, T. 1979. "A Review of Analytical Techniques to Solve the Sand Transport Equation
and Some Simplified Solutions," Proceedings of Coastal Structures '79, American Society of Civil Engineers,
pp 809-837.
Walton and Dean 1973
Walton, T. L., Jr., and Dean, R. G. 1973. "Application of Littoral Drift Roses to Coastal Engineering
Problems," Proceedings, First Australian Conference on Coastal Engineering, National Committee on
Coastal and Ocean Engineering Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Longshore Sediment Transport