EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Walton and Dean 1976
Walton, T. L., Jr., and Dean, R. G. 1976. "Use of Outer Bars of Inlets as Sources of Beach Nourishment
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Walton and Douglass 1985
Walton, T. L., Jr., and Douglass, S. L. 1985. "Stochastic Sand Transport Using ARIMA Modeling,"
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Walton and Sensabaugh 1979
Walton, T. L., and Sensabaugh, W. 1979. "Seawall Design on the Open Coast," Sea Grant Report No. 29,
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Walton, Liu and Hands 1988
Walton, T. L., Liu, P. L-F., and Hands, E. B. 1988. "Shoreline at a Jetty Due to Cyclic and Random Waves,"
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Walton, Thomas and Dickey 1985
Walton, T. L., Thomas, J. L., and Dickey, M. D. 1985. "Cross-shore Distribution of Sediment Transport at
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Watts 1953a
Watts, G. M. 1953a. "A Study of Sand Movement at South Lake Worth Inlet, Florida," Beach Erosion Board
Tech. Memo. No. 42, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Watts 1953b
Watts, G. M. 1953b. "Development and Field Test of a Sampler for Suspended Sediment in Wave Action,"
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Weggel 1972
Weggel, J. R. 1972. "Maximum Breaker Height," Journal of the Waterways, Ports, and Coastal Engineering
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Weggel and Perlin 1988
Weggel, J. R., and Perlin, M. 1988. "Statistical Description of Longshore Transport Environment." Journal
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pp 125-145.
White 1987
White, T. E. 1987. "Nearshore Sand Transport," Ph.D. diss., University of California, San Diego.
Williams 1973
Williams, A. T. 1973. "The Problem of Beach Cusp Development," Journal Sediment Petrol., Vol 43,
pp 857-66.
Longshore Sediment Transport