EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Thieke and Harris 1993
Thieke, R. J., and Harris, P. S. 1993. "Application of Longshore Transport Statistics to the Evaluation of
Sand Transfer Alternatives at Inlets," Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 18, pp 125-145.
Thornton 1972
Thornton, E. B. 1972. "Distribution of Sediment Transport Across the Surf Zone," Proceedings of the 13th
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Thornton and Guza 1981
Thornton, E. B., and Guza, R. T. 1981. "Longshore Currents and Bed Shear Stress," Proceedings of the
Conference on Directional Wave Spectra Applications, R. L. Weigel, ed., University of California, Berkeley.
Thornton and Morris 1977
Thornton, E. B., and Morris, W. D. 1977. "Suspended Sediments Measured Within the Surf Zone,"
Proceedings of Coastal Sediments '77, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp 655-668.
Trask 1952
Trask, P. D. 1952. "Source of Beach Sand at Santa Barbara, California, as Indicated by Mineral Grain
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Trask 1955
Trask, P. D. 1955. "Movement of Sand Around Southern California Promontories," Beach Erosion Board
Tech. Memo. No. 76, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1966
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1966. Shore Protection, Planning, and Design, Technical Report No. 4,
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van Bendegom 1949
van Bendegom, L. 1949. "Consideration of the Fundamentals of Coastal Protection," Ph.D. diss., Technical
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Verhagen 1989
Verhagen, H. J. 1989. "Sand Waves Along the Dutch Coast," Coastal Engineering, Vol 13, pp 129-147.
Vitale 1981
Vitale, P. 1981. "Moveable-Bed Laboratory Experiments Comparing Radiation Stress and Energy Flux
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Walton 1972
Walton, T. L., Jr. 1972. "Littoral Drift Computations Along the Coast of Florida by Means of Ship Wave
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Walton 1976
Walton, T. L., Jr. 1976. "Uses of Outer Bars of Inlets as Sources of Beach Nourishment Material," Shore
and Beach, Vol 44, No. 2.
Longshore Sediment Transport