EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Shore Protection Manual 1984
Shore Protection Manual. 1984. 4th ed., 2 Vol, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Silvester 1970
Silvester, R. 1970. "Development of Crenulate Shaped Bays to Equilibrium," Journal Waterways and
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Silvester, R., and Ho, S. K. 1972. "Use of Crenulate-Shaped Bays to Stabilize Coasts," Proceedings, 13th
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Silvester and Hsu 1993
Silvester, R., and Hsu, J. R. C. 1993. Coastal Stabilization: Innovative Concepts, Prentice Hall, Inc.,
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Silvester, Tsuchiya, and Shibano 1980
Silvester, R., Tsuchiya, T., and Shibano, T. 1980. "Zeta Bays, Pocket Beaches and Headland Control,"
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Sonu 1969
Sonu, C. J. 1969. "Collective Movement of Sediment in Littoral Environment," Proceedings 11th Conf. on
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Sonu 1972
Sonu, C. J. 1972. "Edge Wave and Crescentic Bars," Comments on paper by A. J. Bowen and D. L. Inman,
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Sonu 1973
Sonu, C. J. 1973. "Three-dimensional Beach Changes," Journal Geol., Vol 81, pp 42-64.
Sonu and Russell 1967
Sonu, C. J., and Russell, R. J. 1967. "Topographic Changes in the Surf Zone Profile," Proceedings 10th
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Sonu and van Beek 1971
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Longshore Sediment Transport