EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Wright et al. 1979
Wright, L. D., Chappell, J., Thorn, B. G., Bradshaw, M. P., and Cowell, P. 1979. "Morphodynamics of
Reflective and Dissipative Beach and Inshore Systems: Southeastern Australia," Marine Geology, Vol 32,
pp 105-40.
Yasso 1965
Yasso, W. E. 1965. "Plan Geometry of Headland Bay Beaches," Journal Geology, Vol 73, pp 702-14.
Zenkovitch 1960
Zenkovitch, V. P. 1960. "Fluorescent Substances as Tracers for Studying the Movement of Sand on the Sea
Bed, Experiments Conducted in the U.S.S.R.," Dock and Harbor Authority, Vol 40, pp 280-283.
Zenkovitch 1964
Zenkovitch, V. P. 1964. "Cyclic Cuspate Sand Spits and Sediment Transport Efficiency," discussion,
Journal Geol., Vol 72, pp 879-80.
Longshore Sediment Transport