EM 1110-2-1100 (Part III)
30 Apr 02
Hanson and Kraus 1986
Hanson, H., and Kraus, N. C. 1986. "Forecast of Shoreline Change Behind Multiple Coastal Structures,"
Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol 29, pp 195-213.
Hanson and Kraus 1989
Hanson, H., and Kraus, N. C. 1989. "GENESIS: Generalized Numerical Modeling System for Simulating
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Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Hanson, Kraus and Nakashima 1989
Hanson, H., Kraus, N. C., and Nakashima, L. D. 1989. "Shoreline Change Behind Transmissive Detached
Breakwaters," Proceedings, Coastal Zone '89, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp 568-582.
Hino 1974
Hino, M. 1974. "Theory on Formation of Rip-Current and Cuspidal Coast," Proceedings of the 14th Coastal
Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp 901-919.
Holman and Bowen 1979
Holman, R. A., and Bowen, A. J. 1979. "Edge Waves on Complex Beach Profiles," Journal Geophysical
Research, Vol 84, pp 6339-46.
Holman and Bowen 1982
Holman, R. A., and Bowen, A. J. 1982. "Bars, Bumps, and Holes: Models for the Generation of Complex
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Hom-ma and Sonu 1963
Hom-ma, M., and Sonu, C. J. 1963. "Rhythmic Patterns of Longshore Bars Related to Sediment
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Hom-ma, Horikawa and Kajima 1965
Hom-ma, M., Horikawa, K., and Kajima, R. 1965. "A Study of Suspended Sediment Due to Wave Action,"
Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol 3, pp 101-122.
Hsu and Evans 1989
Hsu, J. R. C., and Evans, C. 1989. "Parabolic Bay Shapes and Applications," Proceedings, Instn. Civil
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Hsu, Silvester and Xia 1987
Hsu, J. R. C., Silvester, R., and Xia, Y. M. 1987. "New Characteristics of Equilibrium Shaped Bays,"
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Hsu, Silvester and Xia 1989a
Hsu, J. R. C., Silvester, R., and Xia, Y. M. 1989. "Static Equilibrium Bays: New Relationships," Journal
Waterways, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 115, No. 3, pp
Hsu, Silvester and Xia 1989b
Hsu, J. R. C., Silvester, R., and Xia, Y. M. 1989. "Generalities on Static Equilibrium Bays," Journal Coastal
Engineering, Vol 12, pp 353-369.
Longshore Sediment Transport