EM 1110-2-1100 (Part II)
30 Apr 02
Figure II-6-38.
Sea and bay water elevations at inlet 1
Figure II-6-39.
Average velocity at minimum cross section
(b) CLHYD. This model simulates shallow-water, long-wave hydrodynamics such as tidal circulation
and storm surge propagation. It can simulate flow fields induced by wind fields, river inflows/outflows, and
tidal forcing. CLHYD is similar to WIFM, with the added feature of operating on a boundary-fitted
(curvilinear) grid system. However, CLHYD cannot simulate flooding/drying of low-lying areas, as WIFM
can. Model output includes vertically integrated water velocities and water surface elevations.
Hydrodynamics of Tidal Inlets